Collaboration with The Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the U.S.

The Bright Side Foundation is thrilled to participate in the Multi-State Pathways to Teaching French program created by The Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the U.S., which aims to help alleviate the shortage of French language teachers in the United States. The program specifically targets advanced, native, and heritage French speakers who have faced obstacles in obtaining a teaching license due to affordability and a lack of information on licensing programs.

The program provides participants with a 60-hour long, 3-phased online curriculum, which includes a Personalized Learning Plan outlining the last steps required to obtain a teaching license, up to three university credits applicable toward an approved teacher preparation program, and contact with the appropriate state and district administrators to secure a position within a school and finish their certification while gaining actual classroom experience.

We are proud to be part of this program and are excited to see its impact on the French language education sector in the US. With a shortage of foreign language teachers in 47 states and the DC, this program is a much-needed solution that will help equip schools with qualified and competent French language teachers. We applaud the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States for spearheading this initiative and look forward to continuing to support similar efforts that positively impact education in our multicultural communities.

For more information, please visit The Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the U.S. or check our website.