Humanitarian Support For Ukraine


Food For The Poor welcomed more than 450 volunteers Saturday at FAU Arena in Boca Raton to pack 116,640 MannaPack rice meals for families in desperate need in Ukraine. The charity teamed up with longtime partner Feed My Starving Children to host Join The Pack Ukraine. FMSC has built a longstanding network in the war-torn country that provides assurances that the meals will get to the people who need them the most. Source/Food For The Poor FB


Bright Side Foundation helps Food For the Poor pack humanitarian support for Ukraine that will be shipped later. Over 57 thousand bags were packed in one shift. We are proud and glad to support this organization. More than 500 volunteers are helping Food For The Poor pack lifesaving MannaPack rice meals for families in Ukraine. People from different communities came together as one and did a great job. Thank you for your mission of helping feed people in need.